This will be the last wedding I feature on these beloved wedding blog pages this year. It’s been a year full of the most amazing real wedding features (that I’ll be revisiting before the year is out), but these particular nuptials are rather special. You see, I know these people. Aha. And they really are as cool as these photographs make out. A groom who plays sax at his own wedding? A bride who secretly arranges for the groom’s musical friends to play this as she walks down the aisle, jelly that looks like it’s being served on sandy beaches, vintage 78rpm records as favours (from the couples personal collection of over 25,000), and a bridesmaid who wears a dress that was made for the bride’s mum in the 1960s, guests that are way too cool for school? And that’s just the start!

Uncle Norms Record Box
Posted by Vintage 78 Gramophone DJ , Monday 28th Oct, 2019
Vintage 78DJs have hooked up with the ‘pre-bloc’ wing of famed vinyl emporium, EasternBloc Records, to create Uncle Norm’s Record Box, a night of rare vintage tunes, never heard before in public.
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